Inform, Engage, and Activate Your Audience.

As a health professional, you care about your patients and want them to be engaged and ready to take action to improve their health. That’s not easy but it’s achievable. Let us help you!
Matiella Health Communications (MHC) develops powerful, culturally tailored, entertaining and easy to understand content, materials and approaches for diverse populations. We are social marketers, storytellers and human-centered designers. We specialize in bilingual – bicultural health communications and in developing culturally tailored content and tools to help you engage and activate your audience.

Our Services
Get to Know Your Audience!
Culturally tailored qualitative research
Bilingual, bicultural focus group facilitation
Dual language field testing, user testing
Pre- and post-testing
Social Marketing
Latinx Social Marketing Experts
Audience-centered health communications design
Discovery workshops
Branding workshops
Latinx marketing workshops
Public Health communication campaigns
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Content Development Experts
Health Communications
Transcreations not Translations
Bilingual, bicultural health content creation
Engaging and easy-to-read materials
Plain Language experts
Visual Storytelling
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words
Digital storytelling (click to see De Las Mias)
Graphic novelas (click to play Barbershop Talk)
Print Fotonovelas (click to see our traditional fotonovelas)
Infographics Design

“Start Walking” Colorful revistas / pictorial magazines are a great entertainment education tool that inform and encourage without being preachy and judgmental. “Start Walking!” / “iA Caminar!” uses a Stages of Change approach to encourage readers to take the low anxiety, high-esteem action steps to positive change.

Debes Saber – You Need to Know is a bilingual fotonovela/revista produced for the New Mexico Department of Health Breast and Cervical Early Detection Program. It was the lead piece in one of the most successful mammogram campaigns conducted in the state of New Mexico resulting in a 300% increase in mammography among Latina women over the age of 50.

Produced for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention – National Diabetes Education Program, “Do it for Them! Hazlo por ellos!” is a bilingual fotonovela that encourages healthy nutrition and physical fintess for the whole family.
5003 SE 45th Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97206
7 Avenida Vista Grande, PMB 468
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508
Tel: 505.466.8817
© 2020 by MatiellaHealthCommunications.com